Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Edible Kid craft Wednesday

After seeing Candy Sushi in a blog post I had to recreate it! So my shopping list included such artery cloggers as Twinkies. Oh little Debbie you are soooooooo bad!

Shopping List:
Twinkies, gummy anything (sour is good too), starburst, frosting, shaved coconut, green food coloring (to make wasabi) and fruit rolls ups..preferably green! Pretty much any candy you think would work.
You are going to want to slice the twinkies about an inch thick! Roll it up in a small peice of your fruit roll up. Then go on and top with some frosting and shaved coconut!

I sliced gummy worms as my Starburst were "missing" in action and the kids were getting restless!

For the kids, I put all the fixin's on the plate (twinkie pre rolled) and let them decorate with icing , coconut and candy as they pleased. Truth be told, very little was "put" on the roll......

Exhibit A. Sugar crash!
Going to try it with freshly made rice crispy treats the next time and better candy, but all and all it was fun to assemble!

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